Why Should PSPs Work with Crypto Payment Processors?

Why Should PSPs and Crypto Payment Processors Work Together?

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The payment systems sector is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the growing adoption of digital technologies and the emergence of new payment methods, such as cryptocurrencies. In this rapidly evolving landscape, payment service providers (PSPs) face increasing pressure to adapt and expand their service offerings to meet the changing needs of their merchant clients.

One strategic approach that can significantly benefit PSPs is collaboration with crypto payment processors. By integrating cryptocurrency payment capabilities into their platform, PSPs can unlock a range of advantages that can strengthen their competitive position, improve their value proposition to merchants, and position them for long-term success in the dynamic payment systems sector.

This article will be your guide to the world of crypto technologies. It will tell you what payment service providers are and what functionalities they possess. You will also learn what role crypto payment processors play in the modern payment system sector and how PSPs can benefit from cooperating with them.

Key Takeaways

  1. Payment service providers provide a link between different market players, offering the opportunity to take full advantage of crypto innovations within the framework of settlements. 
  2. The role of crypto payment processors in today’s payment solutions sector is defined by their ability to provide a fast, reliable and secure method of conducting crypto transactions between any blockchain network over any distance.
  3. The tandem of a crypto payment processor and a payment service provider can be the basis for a new business concept that provides for the creation of a service combining all elements involved in crypto payments.

What Are Payment Service Providers, And What Are Their Functionalities?

Payment service providers (PSPs) are crucial in enabling electronic payment transactions between different entities, including customers, businesses, and financial institutions. These companies offer a platform or integration that allows businesses to accept various payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, digital wallets, and bank transfers. PSPs ensure that companies can securely and effectively process payments by providing the essential infrastructure, security protocols, and adherence to regulations.

Payment Service Providers

PSPs streamline the payment process for businesses by offering a centralised solution that simplifies the acceptance of various payment methods. Companies can enhance their customer experience by providing convenient and secure payment options through their services. 

Additionally, PSPs help mitigate risks associated with payment processing by implementing robust security measures and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. Overall, PSPs facilitate seamless electronic transactions and enable businesses to manage their payment operations efficiently.

Acting as a link between marketplaces, merchants and consumers, PSPs have a number of functional features and responsibilities that determine the specifics of their use. The main ones are as follows:

functional features and responsibilities of PSPs

Payment Processing

Payment service providers make the smooth flow of funds between customers and merchants, both in online and offline settings, possible. These providers authorise, settle, and reconcile payments, ensuring that funds are transferred securely and efficiently. By handling these essential tasks, payment service providers contribute to a seamless and reliable payment experience for both customers and merchants.

Merchant Onboarding

Payment service providers facilitate merchants’ enrolment and integration onto their payment processing platform. This involves streamlining the onboarding process and ensuring that merchants can seamlessly start accepting electronic payments through the provider’s system.

Additionally, they equip merchants with essential tools, software, and hardware required to process electronic payments efficiently. By offering these resources, providers enable merchants to enhance their payment acceptance capabilities and provide their customers with a convenient and secure payment experience.

Fraud Prevention

PSPs employ various security measures and implement fraud detection algorithms to safeguard against any potential fraudulent transactions. By doing so, they ensure the protection of both the service provider and the customers involved in the transaction. These security measures act as a shield against any unauthorised activities, providing a secure environment for financial transactions to take place.

In addition to implementing security measures, payment service providers actively monitor transactions and effectively manage chargebacks or disputes. This proactive approach allows them to swiftly identify suspicious activities or potential fraud attempts, enabling them to take immediate action to mitigate risks. By closely monitoring transactions, they can promptly address any issues, ensuring a smooth and secure payment experience for all parties involved.

Payouts and Settlement

Payment service providers facilitate the consolidation and transfer of funds obtained from customer payments to the merchant’s designated bank account. In addition to this crucial function, they offer merchants comprehensive transaction reporting and analytics services. 

The role of payment service providers extends beyond simply aggregating and transferring funds from customer payments to the merchant’s bank account. They also play a vital role in providing merchants with detailed transaction reporting and analytics, enabling them to gain valuable insights into their business operations. Payment service providers contribute to the smooth and efficient management of merchants’ financial transactions by offering these services.

Statutory Compliance

Payment service providers are responsible for complying with various payment industry regulations and standards, including PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) guidelines. This ensures that they maintain the security and integrity of financial transactions while protecting sensitive customer data.

In addition to regulatory compliance, payment service providers must also secure the appropriate licenses and certifications to operate in the industry legally. By obtaining these credentials, they demonstrate their commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and trustworthiness in handling payment transactions.

Customer Support

PSPs provide technical and administrative assistance to merchants and their customers. They are equipped to handle inquiries, disputes, and other payment-related issues that may arise during transactions. 

Additionally, they are paramount in ensuring smooth and secure payment processes for both parties involved. By offering support and resolving issues promptly, they help maintain trust and confidence in the payment system.

A crypto payment processor is often confused with a crypto payment gateway, which differs from the former in several ways.

Fast Fact

The Role of Crypto Payment Processors in the Payment Systems Sector

Crypto payment processors are specialised service providers facilitating the acceptance and processing of cryptocurrency payments, giving the necessary infrastructure, software, and tools. They bridge the gap between traditional financial systems and the emerging world of digital currencies, playing a critical role in the modern payment ecosystem. 

Here’s a detailed look at their role in the payment systems sector:

Enabling Cryptocurrency Transactions

Crypto payment processors streamline transactions by converting cryptocurrency into fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies. This simplifies the process for merchants who want to accept digital currencies without navigating the complexities of blockchain technology. This service facilitates seamless transactions and enhances the overall efficiency of accepting cryptocurrency payments.

In addition to transaction facilitation, these processors offer multi-currency support, allowing merchants and customers to transact in various cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. This feature provides flexibility and options for users, catering to a diverse range of preferences and needs in the ever-evolving landscape of digital payments.

High-Level Security

Crypto payment processors utilise the power of blockchain technology to establish a highly secure ecosystem for transactions. By embracing the decentralised nature of blockchain, the risk of fraudulent activities and hacking is significantly minimised, providing users with peace of mind and confidence in their transactions.

They employ cutting-edge encryption techniques and tokenisation to ensure the utmost protection of sensitive information. Through encryption, transaction data is transformed into an unreadable format, making it virtually impossible for unauthorised individuals to access or decipher. Additionally, tokenisation replaces sensitive data with unique tokens, further enhancing security by preventing the exposure of valuable information.

Legal Compliance

Crypto payment processors are dedicated to upholding regulatory standards by incorporating AML and KYC protocols. These measures are essential in safeguarding against illicit activities and upholding the integrity of the financial ecosystem.

In addition to AML and KYC procedures, they play a crucial role in guiding businesses through the intricate regulatory framework surrounding cryptocurrencies. By ensuring that transactions comply with both local and international laws, they help businesses navigate the regulatory landscape effectively and maintain legal compliance.

Merchant Services

Crypto payment processors offer payment gateway integration services, seamlessly connecting with various e-commerce platforms. This integration allows merchants to accept cryptocurrency payments from customers without any hassle.

They also handle the settlement process efficiently by converting cryptocurrency payments into fiat currency. After conversion, the funds are transferred to the merchant’s designated bank account, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction process for both parties.

In addition to standard payment processing, many crypto payment processors cater to subscription-based or recurring payments. This feature expands the utility of cryptocurrency transactions, allowing merchants to offer their customers different payment options.

Customer Experience

Crypto payment processors offer user-friendly interfaces designed to be easy to navigate for merchants and customers. These interfaces provide a seamless experience, allowing users to initiate and complete transactions without confusion or complications.

Unlike traditional banking systems, cryptocurrency transactions are processed quickly. This swift processing time significantly reduces customer wait times, ensuring a smooth and efficient payment experience. By leveraging the speed of cryptocurrencies, payment processors enhance customer satisfaction by minimising unnecessary delays.

With the use of cryptocurrencies, cross-border transactions become hassle-free. There is no need for currency conversion or the burden of high international fees. This global reach allows customers worldwide to enjoy a more streamlined payment experience, making it convenient and cost-effective for merchants and customers alike.

Value-Added Services

Payment processors in the cryptocurrency industry frequently provide convenient automatic conversion services. These services convert cryptocurrencies received into the merchant’s desired fiat currency, effectively reducing the risks associated with market volatility.

Additionally, these platforms offer comprehensive transaction reports and analytics to assist businesses in monitoring sales, analysing customer behaviour, and ultimately making well-informed financial choices. This valuable data enables companies to optimise their operations and enhance their performance.

As a final point, crypto payment processors boast integration capabilities through APIs and plugins that seamlessly connect with a range of business systems, such as ERP, CRM, and accounting software. This integration facilitates smoother operations and enhances efficiency by streamlining processes across different platforms.

Economic and Business Impact

The integration of cryptocurrency payments opens up opportunities for businesses to tap into a previously untapped customer base that favours using digital currencies, thereby broadening their market presence and reach.

Utilising crypto payment processors can lead to decreased transaction fees compared to conventional payment options, potentially reducing expenses for businesses and consumers.

By encouraging the acceptance of blockchain technology and digital currencies, these payment solutions play a pivotal role in driving advancements and progress within the payment systems industry, ultimately fostering a culture of innovation.

Why Should PSPs Work with Crypto Payment Processors?

Today’s PSPs, keeping pace with blockchain-based innovations, need a fast, efficient and cost-effective way to ensure an optimal transaction environment for a business based on the use of the currently popular crypto payment software that caters to all crypto transaction needs.

Here are the main reasons why PSPs should consider using crypto payment processors to their advantage:

why PSPs should use crypto payment processors

1. Market Expansion

By integrating cryptocurrency payments, payment service providers (PSPs) can meet the needs of a distinct group of customers who favour using digital currencies. This presents possibilities to attract a portion of the market that is expanding quickly. Offering a variety of payment options:

2. Diversified Payment Options

Offering various payment methods, such as cryptocurrencies, improves the overall customer experience and has the potential to boost merchant satisfaction and customer retention.

3. Enhanced Security

Crypto transactions are protected by blockchain technology, which is inherently resilient to fraud and hacking, offering an extra level of security for transactions handled through the PSP.

4. Compliance and Regulation

Crypto payment processors are created to adhere to financial regulations, guaranteeing that PSPs can provide these services without the danger of violating legal requirements.

5. Cost Efficiency

Teaming up with recognised crypto payment processors removes the need for PSPs to make substantial investments in creating and upkeeping their crypto infrastructure, resulting in considerable cost reductions.

6. Quick Integration

Crypto payment processors offer APIs, SDKs, and plugins to simplify integration with current PSP systems, allowing for a seamless and rapid implementation of crypto payment services.

7. Revenue Opportunities

PSPs have the potential to generate extra income from transaction fees and conversion fees and provide high-level services associated with cryptocurrency transactions.

8. Global Reach

Cryptocurrencies make borderless transactions possible, enabling PSPs to assist merchants with an international customer base without the constraints of traditional currency exchange issues.

9. Scalability

Crypto payment processors have been designed to efficiently manage significant transactions, enabling PSPs to expand their services as demand increases.

10. Competitive Edge

Encouraging the utilisation of crypto payment options enables PSPs to establish themselves as pioneers in the payment sector, drawing in new merchants seeking advanced payment methods.


In conclusion, by collaborating with crypto payment processors, PSPs can expand their payment offerings, tap into new market segments, reduce transaction costs, and enhance the security and efficiency of their payment processing services. This can ultimately strengthen their competitive position, improve their value proposition to merchants, and position them for long-term success in the dynamic payment systems sector.


How can working with crypto payment processors help PSPs stay competitive?

Integrating cryptocurrency payment options allows PSPs to offer a more comprehensive suite of payment solutions to their merchant clients. This helps PSPs stay relevant and meet the evolving needs of businesses, particularly those looking to cater to customers preferring digital asset-based transactions.

What types of merchants can PSPs target by partnering with crypto payment processors?

Crypto payment processors can enable PSPs to serve a wider range of merchants, including those in regions with limited traditional banking access, e-commerce businesses looking to reach international customers, and merchants catering to tech-savvy or younger demographics drawn to digital assets.

How do the cost savings from crypto transactions benefit PSPs and their merchant clients?

Cryptocurrency transactions typically have lower processing fees compared to credit card or bank transfer fees. PSPs can pass on these cost savings to their merchant clients, making their services more affordable and attractive, potentially driving increased market share.

How does working with crypto payment processors future-proof PSPs' payment offerings?

As cryptocurrencies and other digital assets continue to gain mainstream adoption, integrating crypto payment processing capabilities positions PSPs to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the constantly changing payment landscape, ensuring they remain competitive in the long term.

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