where to store your seed phrase

Guide to 10 Best Seed Phrase Storage Solutions

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Crypto is an innovative concept, the nature of which presupposes safe and secure custody of assets due to the complexity of its operation’s technical aspects and the extremely negative statistics of fraudulent activities related to it. 

This situation has become a catalyst for the development of security systems that allow crypto instruments to be stored safely and securely using various solutions. One such solution is the seed phrase.

This article is about what a seed phrase is and how it works. You will also learn about the 10 best seed phrase storage solutions on the market so that your crypto instruments are always protected.

Key Takeaways

  1. Seed phrase is a unique mnemonic set of words of a certain order used as a method of data encryption with the help of specialised software and programs in order to ensure crypto wallet security.
  2. There are many ways to store the seed phrase, among them paper media, USB drives and hard drives, and the most popular is steel solutions.

What Is a Seed Phrase in Crypto?


A seed phrase is a mnemonic sequence of 12 (or another number, depending on the implementation) English words (usually 24) arranged in a strictly defined order. The main advantage of the seed-phrase recovery method is its ease of use and high reliability, as the seed-phrase makes it possible to generate a crypto wallet at any time, which is a sequence of private keys, each 256 bits long. 

At first glance, such a chain is a meaningless set of random words, but it is the key to recovering the wallet regardless of the number of transactions or funds stored on it.


The seed key itself does not provide a complete picture of the wallet and its contents. There is a cryptographic procedure called a “hierarchically deterministic wallet.” It translates the seed key into the Master key, from which all other keys are expanded in a “deterministic” order. 

Since the seed key is a mathematically generated deterministic sequence, it works regardless of the type of wallet. The only problem is that there are two types of standards.


While the seed and Master key are equally standardised, there are two widely used algorithms for recovering keys and wallet addresses, called BIP32 and BIP44. So, if the seed was created using a BIP44 wallet like Bither, attempting to restore it using a BIP32 wallet like Electrum would open an empty wallet. Therefore, knowing which wallet is suitable for recovery from the seed phrase is essential.


As a rule, a seed phrase is a sequence of words in the English language, but in practice, it can be formed on the basis of words of any other language.

Fast Fact

Major Ways for Crypto Seed Phrase Storage

Today, seed key technology has become widespread, and there are quite a few ways in which it’s possible to store the secret phrase to keep the crypto assets safe at all times. Here are the main ones:


There is nothing more simple than a good old-fashioned pen and paper if you are looking to back up recovery crypto phrases. Despite the fact that you are free to use any piece of paper, it may be helpful to use a piece of paper with more context for you or a trusted relative in the future. It also provides restoration directions for those of you who do not possess a lot of knowledge about money recovery.

Hard Drive or USB

This method involves creating and storing a digital copy of the seed phrase on a USB stick or hard disc. This method is very common due to its simplicity and convenience, but it is far from the most secure, so when using it, you should take care of the security of the storage systems because they do not offer advanced security solutions besides data storage. 

Personal Safe Deposit Box

In this case, the storage of the seed phrase can be done on any medium, but ultimately, a secure, safe or similar protected space is used, accessed by a password or similar complex combination to allow for the highest level of protection.

This method is not popular today due to its cost and complexity compared to other methods, but it is an excellent alternative when other options are not available. 

Metal Backup Solution

This method of seed phrase storage involves the use of specialised software and hardware built to offer a high level of protection for secret phrases, with fast recovery, transfer and backup functions depending on the use case. 

This hardware is specifically designed for seed phrase keepers and offers a full range of features to provide a fast, convenient and secure environment for this type of solution.

10 Top-Rated Seed Phrase Storage Solutions

Of course, each of the above methods of storing the seed phrase has its undeniable advantages and certain disadvantages, as well as features that make it possible to apply each in certain circumstances practically.

However, the current popularity of crypto technologies has become a catalyst for developing special solutions that allow to digitally store the seed phrase. This solution is called metal seed storage and uses certain algorithms to work with the encryption of information.

Let’s consider the most prominent of them:

1. Coinplate Alpha


Coinplate Alpha is a robust backup project crafted from high-quality stainless steel. This exceptional material guarantees its resilience against water damage, corrosion, and extreme temperatures, withstanding up to 1,400 degrees Celsius. The device features a user-friendly seed phrase backup system comprising two stainless steel plates divided into 24 sections, each engraved with letters.

2. Trezor Legacy Bundle


Two of the best security options for cryptocurrencies are included in the Trezor Legacy Bundle: the Cryptotag Zeus and the Trezor Model T wallet. When purchasing the bundle instead of each product separately, buyers can save more than $30. 

Trezor sells the Legacy bundle directly for a steep $276. On the other hand, Trezor’s bundle is ideal if you want to start the crypto journey off correctly and wish to employ the most innovative and tried-and-true solution.

3. Cryptosteel Capsule Solo


With the Capsule Solo, Cryptosteel offers high-end storage as part of its backup service and is known as one of the top backup providers. A cylindrical capsule has two main parts: a shell and an interior core. The seed can be stored by sliding a lettered tile onto the inner core and sliding the tile into place.

A separator then separates each word in the sentence to keep it organised. To ensure the safe storage of a 24-word seed phrase backup, it is recommended that the words be provided in an abridged form for it to be used for both 12-word and 24-word seed phrases.

4. The Billfodl


Without a doubt, the Billfodl is among the greatest choices for steel seed phrase storage. Constructed from sturdy steel, this elegant and lightweight case can easily withstand water and fire. The spec sheet claims that Billfodl can endure shocks of up to one million volts, temperatures more than twice as high as those found in a typical home fire, and is made to be entirely resistant to corrosion.

5. Keystone Tablet Plus


A crypto seed phrase recovery backup system, Keystone Tablet Plus, is marketed as an unbreakable metal component that stores seed phrases in cassette format oriented portrait-wise and up to 12 or 24 words in each cassette. 

Once the gadget has been unscrewed, placing the first four letters of each word in a seed phrase using stainless steel letter tiles is possible. This recovery seed phrase is then secured by 13 different screws that are employed to ensure that the tiles are screwed in place, as well as ensuring that the seed stays put.

6. EllIpal Seed Phrase Steel


Ellipal Solutions is a modern metal seed phrase storage platform that assures safe storage of 12- or 24-word phrases. Its aluminium construction and clamshell form factor, which measure 86 mm x 60 mm x 8 mm, set it apart from other wallets available on the market. 

Strong defence against many physical hazards is offered by the wallet’s waterproof, fireproof and pest-resistant construction. It should be remembered, nevertheless, that the wallet is not completely unbreakable and could sustain harm if it is pulled or crushed by a large object, for example.

7. Cryptosteel Cassette


The Cryptosteel Cassette could be ideal for individuals who enjoy the Cryptosteel Capsule but would rather have a cassette-style storage product. The sleek, traditional style of the Cassette Solo is complemented by its ability to store recovery patterns for a long time. 

Corresponding lettered tiles are used to enter words and fit into one of three rows engraved into the rectangular body. This means that similar to cassette-style items, the product can be used more than once and edited in case of a wrong entry.

8. SafePal Cypher Seed Board


SafePal Cypher, compatible with SafePal, Ledger, Trezor, and KeepKey, is a private critical cold storage solution for safely backing up the mnemonic seed phrase of Bitcoin and crypto hardware set or software wallets. The special stainless steel used to make the SafePal Cypher is waterproof, anti-corrosion, and anti-destructive and can safeguard the security of seed words. 

SafePal Cypher offers 12, 18, and 24 mnemonics seed phrases (the first four letters are all required), and it is compatible with all BIP39 hardware and software wallets. There are 288 letters in all. The safest approach to save mnemonic seed phrases is 100% offline; you never have to worry about hacking. It is very user-friendly and straightforward to deploy, making it ideal for securely storing seed patterns.

9. imKey Pro


For those new to the crypto niche, the imKey Pro is a hardware wallet that is both secure and user-friendly. It connects nicely with the imToken wallet software and is tiny enough to be carried around easily. By downloading mobile applications, you can monitor balances and streamline transactions without jeopardising other sensitive data.

With several security levels to safeguard users, the imKey Pro is also safe. You don’t have to worry about equipment being stolen or prying eyes. By having access to high-quality security measures, you can prevent hackers from accessing your crypto wallet.

10. Chaindeck


Chaindeck is a seed phrase system with storage functionality and a highly distinctive design. An additional option is a deck of 100 cards. To encrypt their seed phrase, the user puts it on the side of the card deck, places it in a predetermined sequence (based on a three-digit PIN), and then shuffles it. If you’re setting up a backup in this manner for the first time, it should take about 45 minutes.


Seed phrase is a secure way to encrypt access to crypto assets on a wallet any of the currently existing seed phrase storages can provide full functionality to handle the process of storing any number of seed phrases depending on the needs and requirements of a particular user, ultimately representing the best way to store crypto seed password.

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