B2BinPay Integrates NEM & NEO Blockchains

B2BinPay Integrates NEM & NEO Blockchains

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It is now possible for B2BinPay customers to add and accept ETH, NEM and NEO based tokens in as little as 5 minutes!NEM and NEO blockchains are now integrated into B2BinPay, our cryptocurrency payment gateway. Both these blockchains and tokens boast a large amount of supporters with a few Asian banks currently making plans to incorporate NEM technology as part of their work.97% of tokens are currently based on ETH, NEM & NEO.It is now possible for B2BinPay customers to add and accept ETH, NEM and NEO based tokens in as little as 5 minutes!Please note that B2BX Exchange now also lists XEM and NEO. Both tokens are highly popular, ranking within the Top 10 according to market capitalisation. B2BX Exchange welcomes listings of any other tokens based on NEO or NEM blockchains.We have also added the trading pairs to follow:XEM/B2BX, XEM/USDt, XEM/BTC, XEM/ETH,NEO/B2BX, NEO/USDt, NEO/BTC, NEO/ETH

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