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B2BinPay Attended Paris Blockchain Week Summit 2023

The B2BinPay team attended the Paris Blockchain Week Summit on 22-23 March 2023! This annual event brought together top thought leaders in blockchain technology, and we were given a chance to introduce our crypto processing solution and take part in conversations about how crypto technologies can revolutionize the financial sector.

About Paris Blockchain Week Summit

The groundbreaking Paris Blockchain Week Summit gathered the most forward-thinking and influential figures in the blockchain space. The event hosted over 400 speakers and more than 10,000 attendees for two power-packed days of networking and learning possibilities. Discussion topics covered cryptocurrency payment challenges, decentralized finance technologies, and Web3 trends, providing an opportunity for business leaders to share best practices during panel sessions.

The renowned Le Carrousel du Louvre was the ideal backdrop for Paris Blockchain Week Summit. The summit was a massive success, providing an invaluable opportunity and connecting blockchain enthusiasts, investors, business owners, and decision-makers to discuss blockchain systems’ potential.

At the summit, B2BinPay proudly hosted a booth filled with energy! Our team excitedly answered all attendees’ questions and demonstrated our latest releases and crypto payment service.


We were thrilled to have attended the Paris Blockchain Week Summit and met with many amazing professionals striving for similar goals. B2BinPay is now even more committed to making groundbreaking technologies accessible for all! Thank you again to everyone who joined us at this remarkable event!

Be sure to mark your calendars for future events! It will be a pleasure to see you again!

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