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B2BinPay To Demo Merchant & Enterprise Payment Solutions at Finance Magnates LS 2019

12 November

B2BinPay is pleased to announce that it has secured a spot at Finance Magnates London Summit on 12th-13th November, which will be held at the Old Billingsgate, London. Representatives from the B2BinPay team will be in attendance to discuss our payment and wallet infrastructure solutions for Merchants and Enterprises.

The FM London Summit is the leading event for financial services professionals who will attend to participate in panels, workshops and exhibitions run by the biggest names in the forex, cryptocurrency and payments industries, as well as others involved in blockchain technologies.

The London Summit is the ideal place for B2BinPay to showcase its industry-leading cryptocurrency payment gateway to prospective clients, hence, those looking to start accepting cryptocurrency payments should not miss this event.

B2BinPay is a popular bitcoin payment gateway which allows merchants and enterprises to receive, exchange and accept cryptocurrencies in just minutes.
It has emerged as one of the leading cryptocurrency payment providers in the industry, servicing over 100 (and growing) merchants and enterprises. B2BinPay will be located at Booth No 96.

Why not schedule a visit to our booth if you’re planning to attend, and catch up with our team who will be available to discuss your requirements and demonstrate our crypto payment solutions for your business.

Book a meeting with Ievgen Iugrinov from the B2BinPay team today, or if you prefer, get in touch and book an appointment for a one-on-one with us.

We look forward to seeing you there at booth 96!

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