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B2BinPay At The Forex Expo Dubai 2021: Event Report

B2BinPay has just successfully participated in the Forex Expo Dubai 2021. The expo, taking place on the 29th-30th of September, is one of the largest events in the Middle East and provides an excellent platform for B2BinPay to showcase its crypto processing solution to the world audience. This year’s expo was particularly successful for B2BinPay, with many new potential partnerships formed.

B2BinPay: Silver Sponsor

B2BinPay, a leading provider of cryptocurrency payment processing solutions, was a Silver Sponsor at the event. Our team chatted with potential clients and demonstrated the company’s processing solution to an enthusiastic crowd of visitors at the dedicated booth. Having such a large presence helped spread the word about our brand and products.

B2BinPay is a comprehensive solution that allows businesses to accept, hold, exchange, and pay in cryptocurrencies. The platform supports all major cryptocurrencies and provides a secure, user-friendly environment for transactions. With B2BinPay, businesses can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and tap into new markets.

Our Presentations

B2BinPay, the universal cryptocurrency payment gateway, is a regular and popular exhibitor at many of the world’s leading expos. The company is frequently invited to speak at these events due to the thought leadership of its representatives in the industry.

Arthur Azizov, CEO of B2Broker Group of Companies

The presentation Arthur delivered was entitled “Major Changes in Payments for the FX Industry.” In his keynote speech, Arthur outlined some of the major changes that he believes are coming to the payments landscape in the Forex industry.

Evgeniya Mykulyak, COO of B2Broker Group of Companies

Evgeniya’s speech, titled “How Crypto & FX Ecosystems Work,” provided valuable insights into the inner workings of these industries.


We at B2BinPay are honored to receive the Best Crypto Payment Solutions Provider award at this prestigious event. This award recognizes our innovative solutions and commitment to excellence. We remain dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients and partners. Thank you for your continued support!

Final Words

Overall, Forex Expo Dubai 2021 was a resounding success and has laid the foundation for the company’s continued expansion into the MENA region. Our crypto-processing solution was met with great enthusiasm by those in attendance, and we are excited about getting new clients on board. We’re already looking forward to next year’s event!

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